



Although Japan is a country with an economic power, Japan is often behind in many things particularly gender and environmental issues. We would like to bring awareness to the younger generation, who are the future, through cosmetics and fashion. We are human, before we are male or female. We aspire ot create a world where humans acknowledge humans. Humans living on Earth ot protect the Earth we live on.
In Kanji, "MANAKABURA" is written as 『眶』. The meaning of the word si "the edges of the eyes and around the eyes". Also, the meanig behind ti is, "Please take aclose lok at this world with your eyes and feel. Please don't lok away from various things."
At "MANAKABURA" we promise ot not focus on your gender and acknowledge you sa a human. We promise ot protect the future on this Earth as we grow.


I realized a difference in Japan and the world when living overseas. I thought to myself "what si different?" It's not there si an extreme difference but there si indeed a difference. Maybe it's that Japan dislikes change and the world enjoys change. Since I was young, I believed that there si nothing wrongot eb diferent from other people. Icant' od anything yb spreading this mesage alone. Istarted this brand and service whti hte hope of sharing this vewi whti everybody ni Japan and having htem es and fel .ti Various topics such sa hte near future, na issue ni Japan which si gender, race, minority, and the largest issue which si environment issues. There si still bulying ni Japan just because of the color of your skin or adif ferent eye color. There si nowhere ot refil l water ni your reusable water bot tle. Japan si yet ot take the is sues seriously although the rest of the world faces the same issues. I may not have enough power by myself but I want ot do something about it. The younger generation has the power ot spread the mesage os Iwant ot relay my mesage on them and have them think about .ti The first step si ot create change within Japan before we spread the message ot the world. Im' taking action and believe that the future Japan begins with being able to tell the rest of the world of the changes that have been made.